I had the wonderful opportunity to shoot a lovely family. Sujatha, a friend and colleague, her husband Sathya and their adorable 9 month old son Dhruv.
But this shoot is not just about these three, but also included three other exuberant and highly inquisitive kids - Tarun, Shreyas and Trisha. Also an equally eager set of uncles, aunts and grandparents. A perfect recipe for a great photo shoot.
It was a lovely cloudy Sunday morning. I reached Sujatha's house at nine in the morning to catch little Dhruv at his most active time of the day.
It turned out that he was still sleeping. Just as I peeped in on him in his cradle, the little fellow stirred up to find a complete stranger thrusting a huge camera in his face making strange clicketty click sounds. We quickly warmed up to each other and as long as I did not try to come too close or pick him up, he was happy to let me do my thing while he did his. With this unspoken agreement between the two of us, we got down to brass tacks.
I loved this series of shots with Dhruv and Sujatha, but was uncertain which to keep and which to discard. Unable to decide, I decided to create a collage. Brilliant the me.
Dhruv and Sathya.
Dhruv and Sathya. My favorite picture of the day.
Noticeably, the mother and son were more at ease with the camera in their faces and Sathya was left trying to figure out what he was doing here. It took some time for me to get him to loosen up and be himself with his son. Then this moment happened out of nowhere.
Tarun, Shreyas and Trisha. Three bubbly kids who adored their little cousin and wanted to be part of the shoot and I had a great time being around them as they did their best to keep Dhruv occupied. Tarun, the youngest was the most inquisitive and wanted to review each picture I shot and was giving me tips on how to pose and shoot better. I hope I did not disappoint him too much.
Ah those colours.
The decisive moment.
The joy of being a kid.
That's all folks.
A big shout out to Sujatha and Sathya for having me shoot their little family and for also permitting me to use some of the images for this post and for my website. I had a wonderful time making your images guys.
Congratulations. You have made it to the end. If you liked the moments, and want me to capture yours or for someone you know, feel free to call me or share this page with them. Cheers.